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JM BUSHA 54 Races is for Peace & Unity in Africa and the world. We call for citizenry participation in socio-economic development and political governance of countries. We exist to promote working democracies. We empower, encourage and enable citizens to hold leaders accountable to the people, uphold the laws of a country, and take responsibility for their actions.
One of the ways we achieve this is by enrolling individuals, organisations and governments to sign our peace pledge which reads.
“I am for peace, harmony and unity and commit myself not to be involved in any activity: – corruption, discrimination, banditry, destructive exploitation of another human being and natural resources for selfish gain and will not make any decision that may cause instability, social unrest, poverty and other socio-economic and political problems in the country."
The Peace Pledge is read by the country's Lead Peace Pledge Ambassador and delivered to the leader of the country on Africa Day, 25th of May each year - as a reminder and commitment to individuals and our communities at large that it is our collective responsibility to bring peace and unity. As each African country pledges peace on the day of the 25th of May every year which is the day of the founding of the AU (then called the Organisation of African Unity - OAU in 1963). JM BUSHA 54 Races celebrates Africas' diversity, achievements and potential through arts, cultural, musical and sporting activities. Proceeds from this event are used towards affording deserving and capable students scholarships to further there education, fund innovative ideas that have a socio-economic impact on communities as well as for peacekeeping missions, mediations, reconciliation, conflict resolution and crisis management work in Africa.
To see and have a peaceful, prosperous and united people of Africa and the world.
It is time for Africa to re-evaluate itself and make changes where it needs to in order to change its fortune for the future.
I believe this is a great initiative that will bring so many people together through the activities. keep us updated!
Read moreA letter by JM BUSHA 54 founder, Joseph Busha.
June 2020
The Corona Virus, COVID19, started in China, Wuhan province late in 2019. From Feb...
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Honouring hard work and resilience of sports persons during COVID19
Since the inception of JM BUSHA 54 RACES' operations in 2017, Africa day has always been a celebration...
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